As FastAPI is based on the OpenAPI specification, you get automatic compatibility with many tools, including the automatic API docs (provided by Swagger UI).
One particular advantage that is not necessarily obvious is that you can generate clients (sometimes called SDKs ) for your API, for many different programming languages.
There are also some company-backed Client and SDK generators based on OpenAPI (FastAPI), in some cases they can offer you additional features on top of high-quality generated SDKs/clients.
Some of them also ✨ sponsor FastAPI ✨, this ensures the continued and healthy development of FastAPI and its ecosystem.
And it shows their true commitment to FastAPI and its community (you), as they not only want to provide you a good service but also want to make sure you have a good and healthy framework, FastAPI. 🙇
To generate the client code you can use the command line application openapi that would now be installed.
Because it is installed in the local project, you probably wouldn't be able to call that command directly, but you would put it on your package.json file.
...that's because the client generator uses the OpenAPI internal operation ID for each path operation.
OpenAPI requires that each operation ID is unique across all the path operations, so FastAPI uses the function name, the path, and the HTTP method/operation to generate that operation ID, because that way it can make sure that the operation IDs are unique.
You can modify the way these operation IDs are generated to make them simpler and have simpler method names in the clients.
In this case you will have to ensure that each operation ID is unique in some other way.
For example, you could make sure that each path operation has a tag, and then generate the operation ID based on the tag and the path operationname (the function name).
FastAPI uses a unique ID for each path operation, it is used for the operation ID and also for the names of any needed custom models, for requests or responses.
You can customize that function. It takes an APIRoute and outputs a string.
For example, here it is using the first tag (you will probably have only one tag) and the path operation name (the function name).
You can then pass that custom function to FastAPI as the generate_unique_id_function parameter:
Generate a TypeScript Client with Custom Operation IDs¶
Now if you generate the client again, you will see that it has the improved method names:
As you see, the method names now have the tag and then the function name, now they don't include information from the URL path and the HTTP operation.
Preprocess the OpenAPI Specification for the Client Generator¶
The generated code still has some duplicated information.
We already know that this method is related to the items because that word is in the ItemsService (taken from the tag), but we still have the tag name prefixed in the method name too. 😕
We will probably still want to keep it for OpenAPI in general, as that will ensure that the operation IDs are unique.
But for the generated client we could modify the OpenAPI operation IDs right before generating the clients, just to make those method names nicer and cleaner.
We could download the OpenAPI JSON to a file openapi.json and then we could remove that prefixed tag with a script like this:
With that, the operation IDs would be renamed from things like items-get_items to just get_items, that way the client generator can generate simpler method names.
Generate a TypeScript Client with the Preprocessed OpenAPI¶
Now as the end result is in a file openapi.json, you would modify the package.json to use that local file, for example:
When using the automatically generated clients you would autocompletion for:
Request payloads in the body, query parameters, etc.
Response payloads.
You would also have inline errors for everything.
And whenever you update the backend code, and regenerate the frontend, it would have any new path operations available as methods, the old ones removed, and any other change would be reflected on the generated code. 🤓
This also means that if something changed it will be reflected on the client code automatically. And if you build the client it will error out if you have any mismatch in the data used.
So, you would detect many errors very early in the development cycle instead of having to wait for the errors to show up to your final users in production and then trying to debug where the problem is. ✨